MAJOR SPOILERS: Here's What Happened With Are You The One's Season 7 Couples

Find out which matches (perfect and non-perfect) left Hawaii together...

Are You the One? can add another group of winners to the series' track record -- and a bunch of potential relationships outside of paradise.

But back to the victory: The Season 7 cast was able to find that perfect-match magic right at the final Match Up Ceremony, just like almost everyone who came before them (sorry, Season 5). A brief breakdown of the pairs: In addition to confirmed pairings Maria/Shamoy, Kenya/Tevin and newly Truth Booth-approved couple Nutsa/Brett, Sam/Lewis, Jasmine/Daniel, Lauren/Kwasi, Cali/Andrew, Asia/Tomas, Bria/Cam, Morgan/Zak and Kayla/Moe were deemed compatible.

While some of them firmly believed in the show-approved connections, others were left thinking about other folks. So what happened with certain romantic bonds which were forged throughout the 10-week adventure? Unsurprisingly, Kevin left the Aloha State with a bunch of "I love yous." Brett gushed that it couldn't have been a better ending with Nutsa and that he could leave this experience with the possibility of being with his match. The adorable kicker: Nutsa stating -- in a New York accent -- that she would come to his Big Apple hometown to see him.

But the ending between Zak and Morgan wasn't so sweet. He apologized for fooling around behind her back, but she thought he was insincere. And then some.

"At this point, I don't see anything with Zak outside of this house," she confessed in an interview and then told him to his face: "I just think you're a terrible person." That ends that!

Meanwhile, Zak and Bria parted with a big hug -- and kiss. Old habits really die hard.

Moving on to non-PMs: Sam deemed the matchmakers got it wrong because Danny was her match and it was a "win-win" for her, while Cali insisted she would be with Tomas when all was said and done. Last, but certainly not least, Lewis and Asia made up and "enjoyed each others's company." Yeah, we see you in the bed...

Which relationships do you think will flourish outside of the MTV show? Watch the finale of 'Are You The One?' season 7 below:

Don't Miss The Are You the One? Reunion for a much-needed check-in with the crew, airing Friday at 3pm - only on MTV!

- Jordana Ossad

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