Gladys’ 'R U OK Day' Post Says It All

The NSW Premier just posted a shitty, low-res ‘R U OK Day’ graphic from Google Images, which pretty much sums up how OK we’re all doing right now. (See: not very.)

Less than 12 hours before I’m currently writing this article, I was on the phone to Lifeline. In fact, during the course of COVID-19, many people have been calling up Lifeline. We’re all struggling. We’re not seeing our loved ones. Many of us have lost work, and some of us have even lost family members.

But, you see, we need not fret! Because NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian is here to remind us that we should check in on each other and ask if we’re OK <3.

That’s right, besties. On a day where we recorded over 1400 new cases – again – Gladys is here to make sure we’re all doing OK….with an incredibly low-resolution graphic that a team member has grabbed from Google Images, using illustrations of situations that is literally illegal for us to engage in right now and with literally no further information on what to do if we’re not OK.

And guess what?

R U Ok? Day response on Twitter Twitter NOT OK trending


Perhaps the premier believed that the roadmap to freedom NSW has been given once the state hits 70% double doses would alleviate our woes, and while it is a light at the end of the tunnel, the pub cannot wipe away all wrongs! Only most!

In my personal opinion, the intention behind ‘R U OK’ day is good, but falls flat at almost every point. Very few of us are actually equipped to help people should they not be OK, and given that’s pretty much all of us right now, we’re in a spot of trouble!

Like a “the federal government’s only federally funded, free mental health service is turning away clients” spot of trouble.

Mental health seems to be a talking point for any state’s government when it comes to lifting lockdown measures, and Gladys’ post feels symptomatic of how ‘R U OK’ day fails us all. We can all ask someone if they’re OK, but if we don’t know how to respond if they’re not – and if some of those that are trained to help are over capacity – then what’s the point?

If you’re struggling with your mental health, there are plenty of ways to seek help. Jump on over to Headspace (ages 12-25) or call Lifeline (all ages) on 13 11 14 to speak to someone. Kids Helpline has some great resources on their website, too, and a 24/7 call line at 1800 55 1800.

This is an opinion piece, written by Jackson Langford. Hot takes at @jacksonlangford and hotter pics at @jacksonlangford.

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