Katy Perry Opens Up About Having Suicidal Thoughts Following Her 2017 Breakup With Orlando Bloom

"It literally broke me."

In a new interview, Katy Perry has reportedly revealed she experienced suicidal thoughts after her 2017 breakup with her now baby daddy-to-be, Orlando Bloom.

The singer, who is due in the next few months, said on SiriusXM CBC via that the split, coupled with disappointing sales from album Witness, caused her to hit rock bottom.

“My career was on this trajectory when it was going up, up and up and then I had the smallest shift, not that huge from an outside perspective. But for me it was seismic,” the 35-year-old reportedly said.

“I had given so much out, and it literally broke me in half. I had broken up with my boyfriend, who is now my baby daddy-to-be. And then I was excited about flying high off the next record. But the validation did not make me high, and so I just crashed.”

This isn't the first time Katy has spoken about her struggle with depression and the very dark thoughts that develop as a result. She spoke to Siri Singh from Viceland's "The Therapist" about the topic a few years ago, which was recorded during that same 2017 timeframe Katy seems to be referring to in her radio interview now. 

In a clip from the 2017 conversation, Siri asks her "Did you ever have some thoughts where ‘Katy just couldn’t .. didnt want to go on?’" "Yeah," Katy replies. "I wrote a song about it."

In her recent interview with SiriusXM CBC, Katy reportedly reflects on that time and says it was important for her to be “broken” so that she could find her “wholeness in a whole different way” and “be more dimensional”, rather than living as a “thirsty pop star all the time”.

"Gratitude is probably the thing that saved my life, because if I did not find that I would have wallowed in my own sadness and probably just jumped," she said, per

"If it gets really, really hard I walk around and say, ‘I am grateful, I am grateful!’; even though I am in a sh***y mood. Hope has always been an option for me, because of my relationship with God and something that is bigger than me."

She added: "My hope is that something bigger than me created me for a purpose and created me for a reason, and that I’m not disposable, and that every person that’s been created has a purpose."

if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health issues there is help available – head to headspace or contact lifeline's 24/7 hotline on 13 11 14.

Main Image Credit: Licensed by Getty

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